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Facts You Must Know For Auto LPG Cylinder Testing

The catastrophic future that upholds due to global warming and glacier melting is known to everyone. Auto LPG gas is a step toward a greener and more sustainable future. In the process of transitioning from diesel or petrol to Auto LPG, it is important to be aware of LPG Autogas testing from your gas agency.

According to Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization(PESO), the LPG containers fitted in the vehicles must be tested through a series of tests to ensure the level of safety in the pressure vessels.

Today, in this blog, we will cover the facts which you must not ignore or LPG Auto testing, as lack of testing can lead to devastating consequences.

Physical Tests

A series of the physical test must be conducted as the laws mentioned by IS Liquified Petroleum Gas Containers For Automative Use –Specifications.

  • Design Temperature

The design operating temperature of the cylinder shall be from -20 to 65degree Celcius. This is the temperature tested in the cylinders. If the temperature rises or decreases from the mentioned temperature, special tests are conducted that are approved by statutory authority.

  • Wall Thickness

The cylinder is either manufactured of stainless steel or reinforced carbon polymer. The material of the cylinder is responsible for the thickness of the cylinder shell.

Hydrostatics tests

The test is conducted to check the pressure capacity of the cylinders. Each cylinder shall be subjected to the hydrostatic test, to ensure it is safe to use in Auto LPG. In this process, the pressure inside the cylinder is increased gradually. When the pressure reached the threshold point, it is left for not less than 60 seconds.

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In this period, if any bulge or reduction in pressure happens, it symbolizes there is a leak in the cylinder. This helps in discarding the cylinder for the next use.

Pneumatic Leakage Test

In this, the cylinder is properly fitted as per the recommendation of the manufacturer. An air pressure of at least 2MPa is applied to the unit to perform a leakage test. Immersed in water for a minute, this is left for a minute. It indicates the body of the container and the valve pad joint are safe if there are no bulges or reductions in pressure.

Bonfire Test

The test is conducted to check the bursting probability of the cylinder. It is put out in specific conditions and then tested under fire conditions. The cylinder is heated until it reaches a specific temperature by burning any fuel as a fire source. In this test, the following observations are measured,

  • Temperature below the cylinder, at minimum two locations, around 750mm apart.
  • Wall temperature at the bottom of the cylinder.
  • If the cylinder length exceeds 2.65m, the wall temperature of the top of the cylinder and center of the cylinder is measured.

Marking After the Tests

The re-testing of Auto LPG is conducted to save damage to life and property and cause minimal accidents in vehicles due to cylinder bursting. The markings give you knowledge about the testing detail.

  • Every cylinder unit has a unique serial number
  • Tare weight
  • Test Prressure in MPa
  • Year and month of testing.


Auto LPG is needful to reduce the pollutant in the air. As per recent reports, Kolkata and Delhi are declared one of the most polluted cities in India. As an initiative to reduce air pollution, the government is focusing largely on LPG-powered vehicles.

In this initiative, we at SHIVGAS are ensuring there is no reduction in the supply of gas, and no adulterated or poorly tested cylinder cycle into the market. Our increase in LPG gas agency in West Bengal helps in keeping optimal supply for Auto LPG.


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