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Know LPG Cylinders Expiry Date | SHIVGAS

How to Check Your LPG Cylinder Expiry Date?

Do you know that LPG cylinders have an expiry date? Experts advise stopping using the cylinder once this date has been crossed. Well, the technical term as the LPG gas companies in India say, is the resetting date which many consumers call the expiry date. If you are unaware of the gas cylinder expiry date then you have landed on the right spot as we will discuss it in detail.

Cylinders are made of composite material and steel. According to the standards approved by the Chief Controller Of Explosive (CCOE) the cylinders should be made of special steel with a protective coating.

The manufacturing of the LPG gas cylinders includes raw materials like carbon fiber and reinforced polymer. These materials make the cylinder lighter in weight and enhance its tensile strength.

The reinforced cylinder contains carbon fiber as per the PESO circular No. R.4(2) 100/2007 dated 20.08.2007 all the cylinders are required to be taken to the first Statutory Testing and Painting after 10 years and it must be followed by every 5 years.

Where do You Find the Resetting/Due Date of The LPG Cylinder?

The expiry or resetting date is marked on the side of the vertical stays of the cylinder. The marking indicates the due date of the cylinder. The date is written in the form of the alphabet A, B, C or D followed by 2 digits. (Example – A-28). Here’s what each letter means:

  • Letter "A" indicates the first quarter of the year (January - March) 
  • Letter "B" indicates the second quarter of the year (April - June) 
  • Letter "C" indicates the third quarter of the year (July - September) 
  • Letter "D" indicates the last quarter of the year (October - December) 
The two digits indicate the year (YY) till it is valid. For example, A-28 would mean the cylinder is due for testing in the first quarter of 2028. So, for instance, if your cylinder is marked A-28, then it would mean the resetting date for your cylinder is between January to March of the year 2028.

While collecting the cylinder from the distributor you must check the resetting date as a safety precaution. You can also ask your delivery person to check the due date on the cylinder.

  Gas Cylinder Expiry Date | Due Date Of LPG Cylinder

Process of Resetting New Date

The cylinders which have passed the due date are transported to the bottling center. The LPG gas cylinder is tested in the bottling centre to check its durability. Some of the common tests which are performed on the cylinder for quality checking are hydrostatic tests, burst tests, ultimate tensile strength tests, impact tests, and pressure cycling tests.

Once the tests are done, the LPG companies mark the cylinders' resetting date on the bottling center where these cylinders are segregated.

Also Read: How To Tackle The Issue Of Household LPG Cylinder Sweating

Factors Affecting LPG Cylinder Lifespan

  • Atmospheric condition
  • The impact load of the cylinder
  • Wear out of the cylinder
  • Change in temperature

For the LPG cylinders which are for the due date, proper care is taken from the distributors to ensure the resetting date bottles do not end up in the market. The norms and standards set by the government are followed while refilling the cylinders. Each cylinder is visually tested for defects and then Statutory Testing and Painting are done.

Also Read: Ways To Prevent LPG Gas Explosion At Home


An LPG cylinder has a lifespan of 15 years and in between this time, it is mandatory to be checked twice. In the hydro test, the cylinder is filled with water for testing and in the pneumatic test 5 times, the pressure at which LPG is stored is applied to test the quality of the cylinder. If the cylinders fail in any, it is discarded to be filled again, and this ends up a scrape.

Most LPG gas companies in India like SHIVGAS adhere to the norms of resetting dates and with due diligence, it ensures no cylinder cycles back to the market without segregation.

SHIVGAS believes in taking all steps necessary to make the life of a consumer easier. Starting from auto-ordering technology to on-time delivery on the doorstep we are always there to support your cooking needs.


1. Why is it important to check the expiry date of an LPG cylinder?

Checking the expiry date is crucial for safety reasons. An expired cylinder may not be safe to use and could pose risks of leakage or other hazards.

2. What should I do if my LPG cylinder is expired?

If you discover that your LPG cylinder is expired, you should immediately contact your LPG supplier for a replacement. Do not use the cylinder until it has been replaced.

3. Can an expired LPG cylinder still be used if it appears to be in good condition?

No, even if an expired cylinder appears to be in good condition, it should not be used. The structural integrity of the cylinder could be compromised, posing serious safety risks.

4. Are there any other markings on the LPG cylinder that I should be aware of?

Besides the expiry date, you should also check for the cylinder’s tare weight (empty weight) and the maximum allowable fill weight. This ensures the cylinder is not overfilled, which can be dangerous.

5. How often should I check the expiry date of my LPG cylinder?

It’s a good practice to check the expiry date every time you receive a new cylinder from your supplier. This ensures you are always using a safe and compliant cylinder.

6. Can I exchange an expired LPG cylinder with any supplier?

It is recommended to exchange an expired cylinder with your original supplier to ensure proper handling and compliance with safety regulations.


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