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Electricity vs. LPG

Cooking Technology: Can Electricity Replace LPG Gas? A Comprehensive insight

In recent years, the debate for cooking technology has gained momentum, with proponents advocating electric stoves replacing LPG. But is it true? And is it the right thing to do? Well here is a comprehensive insight from Shivgas considering the full spectrum of factors before making the switch. Understanding the differences between LPG vs Electric […]

Key Role of LPG in Long-term

Key Role of LPG in Long-term Contribution To Sustainable Recovery

LPG is a clean and efficient fuel with numerous advantages for the environment, economy, and society. As the world moves toward a more fantastic, sustainable future, LPG is rising as a key player in realizing long-term contributions to the surroundings and resilience. According to current research, LPG considerably lowers environmental health outcomes, making it a […]

Ins and Outs of LPG Gas | Shivgas

Know About The Ins and Outs of LPG Gas Detection in Factory

LPG or liquified petroleum gas, is a versatile and globally used fuel that consists of butane and propane. It is a flammable hydrocarbon gas liquefied by putting pressure for ease of storage, use and transport. LPG is widely derived from petroleum refining and gas processing. Its prevalent use in factories is for heating applications, industrial […]