LPG Myths vs Reality | Shivgas

LPG Myths vs Reality

In recent years, India’s energy mix has transitioned drastically from being dependent on solid fossil fuels to cleaner energy. One such adoption is LPG gas. From cooking in households to utilisation of LPG in commercial and industrial needs, it has been established as a cleaner alternative to traditional fuels. The striking characteristics of LPG are clean–residual free burning, easy to transport and producing almost 70% lower CO2 emissions. As the application of LPG continues to grow in households, many LPG myths tend to confuse consumers. As a leading LPG gas company, with numerous LPG gas agencies across East India, we are here to debunk the myths through the blog and shed light on the reality behind them. 

Myth 1: LPG is Unsafe

One of the most prevalent myths about LPG is that it is unsafe to use in households or businesses. This misconception stems from fears of gas leaks or explosions. However, if we scrutinise the reality LPG is a highly regulated and safe fuel when handled properly. Many quality checking standards in place ensure the quality of the cylinder, and that the gas filled in the cylinder is safe to use. 

Modern LPG cylinders offered by an LPG gas agency come with safety features such as pressure relief valves and a leak detection mechanism, making them as safe as any other fuel source when used correctly. Not only this, the LPG gas agency also conducts quality testing before sending the cylinder to your doorstep. Other than that, technological advancement is shifting to manufacturing composite carbon cylinders that do not rust that easily and are safer to use for varied applications. 

Myth 2: LPG is Expensive

Consumers do believe LPG is a costlier fuel when compared to natural gas, electricity or even coal. But apart from an initial investment in the installation of an LPG system, LPG is quite cost-efficient in the long run and it has been seen the cost of maintenance reduces over time. 

LPG has a high calorific value, it is energy dense and burns clean, so it requires a smaller amount that can provide the same level of heat as larger quantities of other fuels. For instance, the energy used for boiling one pot of water is way less than its counterpart. 

Myth 3: LPG is Harmful to the Environment

There is a myth, that as LPG is extracted from crude oil it also contributes to pollution. But the truth is far from it. LPG consists of Propane and butane which propels clean burning. The burning of Propane and Butane produces carbon dioxide & water as by-products. It produces fewer emissions of harmful pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. This makes LPG a greener choice for heating and cooling technology especially in areas where renewable source of energy is not yet widely available. 

Myth 4: Difficult To Use

Currently, almost 80% of Indians use LPG, however, there is a significant amount in rural areas who are sceptical about adopting LPG for day-to-day use. The reason for this is, that they have the perception it is difficult to use and requires specialised knowledge and equipment to use. 

In reality, LPG systems are designed to be user-friendly and easy to operate. Be it just a 5 kg cylinder or 425 Kg bulk cylinder for industrial and commercial use, the process of use is quite simple and does not require a difficult training process. LPG cylinder comes with built-in safety features and has regulator both in the cylinder and in the appliance connected for easy on-and-off operation. With proper installation and maintenance, LPG can be as straightforward as using any other fuel source. 

Myth 5: LPG is Only used for Cooking

While LPG is commonly used for cooking purposes, its application extends far beyond the kitchen. The versatility of this fuel makes it the fuel of choice for commercial and industrial processes also. Not only in heating applications they are also popular in cooling operations. LPG is used in refrigeration, used in industries such as petrochemical, pharmaceutical, plastic, metal melting, etc. 

Your Final Takeaway

The difference between myth and reality is humongous. If the myth was one of the hindrances to your adoption of LPG gas, then it’s high time to leave the stereotypical thoughts and myths behind and adopt a smarter and more modern solution.

LPG gas is currently a reliable source that produces zero hydrocarbons and does not contribute to particulate matter and soot while burning. This is why it is time you shift from depending on conventional fossil fuels to LPG. From cooking to industrial cooling and heating processes, installing LPG as an energy source helps reduce the overall contribution to global warming. 

Shivgas with its supply chain created by LPG gas agency across West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Assam establishes reliability and security while transitioning from coal, kerosene, and wood to LPG. Shivgas assuring premium services to its consumers delivers its mission and vision of a greener tomorrow. It’s time you leave the myth with us and adopt to safer, reliable, and cleaner fuel. 

Dealership opportunities

Interested in taking an LPG gas dealership from Shivgas? Fill out the form and get in touch with us. 


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